Monday, 16 December 2013

All of the Lights

So it's Christmas. Correction: it's the Third Week of Advent (which is actually the last "full" week of Advent  since the Fourth Week of Advent is really only two days). "Christmas" holidays, "Christmas" decorations and all those office "Christmas" parties can deceive us into thinking Christmas has already come. In turn, we can skim over the importance of Advent.

See, Christmas isn't just about remembering the Birth of Jesus. It's also about preparing for His second coming. Advent gives us the opportunity to prepare ourselves to go about making Heaven a reality on earth. What we do and what we say, how we act and how we love others reflects Christ's presence in the world today. So when we celebrate Christmas, we welcome Christ into our lives in a renewed way. Advent gives us the opportunity to examine our lives and find those places we need to invite Christ into.

If you're anything like me, maybe you've let the first half of Advent slip right by. Well, before you run out of preparation time, here's a thought to carry with you til Christmas: Shine some light into your life.

Light is a pretty major symbol during Advent: we light the candles of the Advent wreath and we hang strings of Christmas lights all over the place. While we're lighting those candles and hanging those lights let's remember to "hang lights" in our lives as well.

What are the areas in my life that perhaps I'm unaware of, ignored or neglected? Are there areas in my life that I need to pray about? Do I need mentoring about a certain situation in my life? Have I developed bad habits or sin patterns? Is there a relationship that needs more attention? 

Don't wait til New Year's to make resolutions (c'mon, we know most of those resolutions barely make it to February anyway!) Before you get swept up in the feasting (and associated food comas), gift giving, carol singing, midnight mass and whatever traditions your family may have; remember WHY you're celebrating this Christmas: He came that we may have life and have it to the full (Jn 10:!0). During this Advent, let's reflect on the areas of our life that aren't yet full, and how we can allow Jesus to fill those places as we celebrate his coming at Christmas.

May Advent lead us to a fuller journey with Christ and may God bless us all this Christmas. Peace.

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